Acknowlediging this balance of time, I’d like to share with you a free guided meditation. We will PAUSE and sit in a short journey. An opportunity to briefly check in with the gift of winter and your intention for the time ahead… Feel invited to breathe with me and become curious about the wisdoms within.
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![]() The imbalance of being seen by others whilst staying unseen to myself… I am filling my own space… in the recent past I would easily give up my space without questioning… It was hard to receive compliments and feel them land in me... I would give space for other peoples needs and mostly not even check in with my own needs wishes... ( leaving me to feel alone, unimportant, not cared for etc...) This internal sensation of allowing my inner space to be seen was uncomfortable. And I have longed for a change in this for a long time... I started to connect with my yes... know what my yes is about... Yay!! (this began at the retreat i was supporting with my presence and mahi in golden bay earlier this year... with Sybille Biedert, at embodied intimacy. I became more and more aware and noticed how I kept falling into the same behaviour...) Integration time and my commitment to really show up for myself... feel and explore my own needs meant I became visible to my self.... Through my weekly meditation group Attuned to Life, (where I am a participant and facilitator) I was able to really let this land.... I am now free of the forever questioning my own expression and truth , free of taking responsibility for other people first… from the fear of judgement on how I approach things as I know everything I do comes from Love and care moving from truth and honesty. Today As I look into my reflection I f e e l a new woman I s e e a new woman… I see me, I feel me, I am here… embodied loving my self I feel my visibility has been appreciated by you who share time and spaces with me.... Your reflections are landing… The S H I F T is, I take responsibility for how I feel. I value myself, I check in with me, my yes ~ my no ~ my maybe. I stay deeply considerate, loving, present and caring deeply, always... Before I decide/ before I commit, I check in if what is in front of me is aligned with my current being state, my values my beliefs… Celebrating this 🤍🔥 The journey of self growth never ends aye! students for life!, Grateful to be surrounded by the right people in the right times for all these lessons to unfold… unravel… The spring equinox represents the point at which day and night are equal length and the time from which days will finally start to grow longer than the nights again, Yay!. It's a time of hope and possibility. My intention this Spring... I wish to bring into the light the act of immersing myself into experiences bringing myself in... and deepening my connection with S I M P L I C I T Y.... I feel nourished and grateful to be able to keep unpacking myself to being free, loving, open, honest, and real in, the joy life can bring in the smallest of moments. Please feel free to leave a comment Arohanui With Love Jooske The water cleanses my body, releasing the old and allowing me to flow through into a deeper nurturing way of living…
I am Carrying myself into this journey of sharing how I see and live my life. By making you part of it/ inviting you to join in on your own inner journey to #selfunderstanding #selfdiscovery #healing #selfknowledge #acceptance #natureconnection #reflections… Awareness journey will start 7th of September… pm me for the specific details… in a nutshell… (A self directed discovery journey to (re) connect with your essence, with one on one guidance sessions online or in person, the option of joining a group journey with two weekly gatherings, you will be send guided visualisations and receive ideas for an embodied practise to support your journey. We will journey through our personal connection with the elements in a creative way, develop a basic understanding of the moon phases, seasons and weave your personal reflections /history, future dreams and desires into a magical 14 wk package of deepening your connection with yourself and the beautiful nature around you. #selfawareness #essence #holistichealing #holistichealth #embodied nature my own historical connection with the Water element… I love water I grew up beside a lake, I ice skated dove into its depths and played the balancing games whilst being carried. I walked beside the water everyday The river the Lek Was 15 min walk from my house. I felt drawn to water and whenever I could would be in it. Now I meditate by the water a lot listen to the sounds it makes, climb waterfalls, swim in the sea rivers and lakes and end my shower cold … I drink warm water and I let my tears flow when I feel them… moving like water whilst tracing my sensations is an embodied practise I connect with from #contactimprovisation #consciouscontact #listening #selfdevelopment #onlinecoaching #onlinementor A Whisper in the wind...
Would you like to deepen your understanding of the phases of the moon, the season’s and develop a deeper connection to yourself? Around the new moon 7th September you can join a 14 week awareness journey. Online and in person. Interested or like to know more? Dm me Or get in touch for an online intuitive energy guidance #selfdevelopment #moon #consciousliving #naturefocus #holistichealth #intuitiveguidance #consciousempowerment #presence #deeplearning #embodimentpractice #embodiedhealing A beautiful morning for me... a muscle I am training since my surgery last month The receiving muscle...
This morning I could share my vulnerability that my body wasn’t feeling nice normally I would hide and be alone in it. I felt safe to ask and was then able to receive and be touched by the love and presence. A healing journey on this first day of waxing crescent moon. Feeling what I was feeling and letting it move through me in the presence of my special loved one... it has touched me deep. Then I found this article which assures me this muscle inside me is waking up... it describes it so beautifully A part of a book that is on my wishful a long time to skim through who has a copy? #wellbeing #love #communication #heartspeech #innerwork #deepawareness #gratitude #unconditionallove #trustinlife On the 30th of April I had a strong sense of opening a place online for people to gather and be real with each other. I dedicated this time for being true, real and honest with myself. There was interest but no one actually came and signed up... I still had a beautiful time connecting with my truth. Let me know if this in interesting to you Following my intuition I offered a place from my heart to yours...
a place to be I open this time to be a space for being with what is present for each one of you who would like to participate. This New Zealand Monday 3rd of May 10am until 11am/11.30 depending on numbers. Online via Zoom, after signing up you receive a zoom meeting invitation. For who? Anyone who is curious. Anyone who would like to spend some time with others. What to expect... to be welcomed into an open held space to be heard to be inspired to be... to see... to be listend to... to be inspired... by showing up you allow yourself the gift of inspiring others. No agenda other then genuine trust... Sign up by sending me a message and I will send you an zoom meeting invitation. Questions please get in touch direct message or private message me Jooske #consciouscommunication #openheart #spacetobe #sharinglife #guidance #intuition #mindfulness Blessed to be writing to you all and thank you for being here with me. I feel warm and grateful for a new trust that has awakened inside me after holding space and sharing my offerings this weekend. I was part of the team leading an introduction weekend in deep self-practise, sound healing and energy work. I offered the energy work I have been working with for over 16 years... I am looking ahead with a freshness, connected and supported by the universe and the people it is giving me. ~grateful~ Heading to @Relish festival to share my work in the Healing Zone. Then holding space in a team lead by Sybille @embodied freedom and supporting with my presence and offering massage treatments to the participants of Grateful for these beautiful opportunities Time to go to sacred places inside and out in this world. I warmly embrace and choose to show up for who ever would like my guidance. My offerings are available mostly online. Distance travelled through the etheric field. Please get in touch if your interested. I would love to hear from you. Aroha Nui ~ Jooske from In-Spiral, Otepoti New Zealand Breath of life A little inspiration that flowed through.... I breathe Let go No expectations assumptions The universe is showing me gifts I can’t grasp the beauty of I let them arrive, I am receptive ~ aware Trust trust trust, release my tension So I can be #energyhealing #energyworker #holistichealth ##embraceyourself #souljourney #embodiment #awakethesoul #awareness #awarenesjourney Transitions between the levels;
Kia ora and Hello, Dropping in… I have been silent, inward and content in a beautiful bubble, we faced challenges, highs and lows, danced, laughed, wim hof breathing, cried, worked our bodies, meditated, worried, cleansed, argued, cooked yummy food, completed a 40 day Kundalini Krya I am hooked!!, resisted, accepted and connected Such a rich experience! Now, I am feeling excited to re-connect with others again and a little uneasy to let this more simple lifestyle go... some of the blocks that come with starting everything up again...And me at the moment just observing myself... The fastness… the rush... I am being gentle with making a conscious shift for myself to do this differently… I will try, really try…. to start this from a place…, of being soft to myself, slowing it down and listen, breathe... pause… ,looking after myself and being able to share with you all what I love so much and then it all flows naturally. Giving massages, working in a mindful holistic way with my clients, guide you to more self awareness by being present with you to what is alive inside. So for my offerings, as of this week, this means: I would like to highlight my Energy work. These one on one sessions will help you gain clarity about your inner world /landscape, the mood, the feelings and the needs. In these sessions I invite you to “show up” for yourself so we can look, feel and embody where there are challenges/blockages and where you feel great and celebrate. Why these blockages exist and what work can be done to re connect that part of you with more ease and flow. Fear and anxiety are big parts of our conscious living patterns these days. By connecting to the breath we create awareness in the body and a deeper connection to the self. With guided meditations and bio energetic movements as part of the practical tools, I will guide you to navigate and connect to your own authentic way of transformation. So you get an understanding about what is real for you now, what your needs are and how you can start embodying the change you would like to see in your life. Everything is energy and energy is information. All your life experiences and beliefs are reflected in your energy: your aura and your chakras. This energy has a vibration and through my 4 year training in The Netherlands at CICO (College for Intuitive and Creative development), in Utrecht, I was taught techniques to interpret these vibrations and became aware of the subtle energies and their messages. This alongside my Drawing Therapy diploma, a recent Non Violent Communication course are all in my backpack… ready to explore your inner world/ landscape. I would love to walk beside you and work together. Sessions are available to book, online or in person at the Embodiment Collective. So If any of these resonate with you, please get in touch
Massages Not yet… I have started to put a list together with people to get in touch with when I start again… If this is you... private message me or leave a comment here and I will get in touch when I start. Acro Not yet Although I am thinking about ways to get people working in a committed threesome until we are in a safe zone again. I have been offering coaching online Where I do video explanation and then we have a video call where I Coach your three. The absolute must is to have a spotter. Let me know if you would be keen. Thanks for reading this… Much Aroha and Namaste Jooske In-Spiral A brief Sharing of my own experience: After some time to reflect and set a routine up for me and my family we feel quite well in the bubble we have created. I now feel ready to hold space for other people. Please feel free to share this post if you think someone might benefit from a session with me. Me and my close one are committing to morning breathwork and kundalini, an acro training session and we did a daily swim in the bay we live by until we werent aloud anymore. My handstand practise is another floating go to during the day. Especially when my mind starts to wander and I am listening to stories that aren’t that good for me. Handstands/ upside down time brings me back to myself. Loving taking half hr to focus which mostly turns into 1 or 1 ½ hr..Being creative through dance, a focussed practise really helps me to feel When my children are here our Bubble is a bit more dynamic, Especially at the transition days… taking time to settle in our house our rules and the little screentime we allow can cause some friction. We have morning runs, creative times(drawing,fingerknitting bike repairing etc), games, chaotic times where arguments rule the mindset and we are all tackling new ways of responding. Sometimes challenging times, practise, feeding the mind and time to let the inspiration guide the now is what I am grateful for. I invested in myself and did a Non violent communication course which was amazing and has given me so much nice tools to work with and reflect on. have signed up for a Non Violent Communication workshop and taking this time to really connect in with myself and stay close to what is important to me in my now and the now of the people I share the Bubble with. Then some students of mine got in touch saying they are keen to get back into Acro when i was ready. I offered them online coaching in a three people setup. During the end of lockdown and it was soooo nice to see my students again and feel i could contribute to peoples skill building. So yes excited aswell as cautious about entering back into life with a time to pause… Grateful for people reading this. And i would love to hear from you. Much Aroha, Jooske |
September 2023
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